
As a member of the AFPRA Network, you have access to a great deal of online resources like blog posts, podcasts, courses, videos, and toolkits.

As a member of the Afroshine Network, you have access to hundreds of online resources like blog posts, podcasts, courses, videos, and toolkits. With all of these resources, you can certainly do a lot with Afroshine online. But you can do much more in person with AfroshineLearns.

Through AfroshineLearns, Afroshine Network members can network and connect with other young leaders, develop new leadership skills, and discuss important topics.

If you are ready to be a leader in your community and share your knowledge with others, then facilitate a AfroshineLearns session.

To facilitate a session of your own, start by watching the How-To AfroshineLearns video vignettes below.

As you plan, please also remember that all AfroshineLearn sessions are organized on the basis of educating your community with shared Afroshine Network resources. You should never charge a fee for a AfroshineNetwork event.


How To YALILearns

How to use AfroshineLearns Part 1: Take a Course

THE AFROSHINE Network offers online resources to help spread knowledge in your local community.


How to use AFroshineLearns Part 2 : Plan Your Session

You’ve taken the AFROSHINE Network’s online courses, now what? It’s time to gather AFROSHINE Network resources provided online and share what you’ve learned with others in two simple steps.


How to AfroshineLearns Part 3 : Hold Your Session

Share what you’ve learned from the AFPRA Network’s online courses; hold a #AFROSHINELEARNS Session and spread the knowledge with your community.


How to AFROSHINELearns Part 4 : Tell Us About It

Once you finish learning, you need to now think of the impact of your knowledge and how you want to spread it in your community.

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